He turned away from the starboard window and looked at flag plot, a room the size of the bridge on the deck above.
She settled into the only other chair, the copilot seat, and looked out the starboard window.
As he knelt down by the starboard window in the cabin something flashed past outside, and a sharp voice broke through the silence.
He then peeked out the starboard window to see how Squib was doing.
Pascoe leaned with his elbows on the ledge of the starboard window.
The skipper was pointing again through the starboard window.
Eel moved over to a starboard window, trying to see what had excited the two pilots.
Snatching his binoculars, he scrambled to the starboard window and threw it open.
I sat down facing the one that sat at the starboard window.
The eccentric man suddenly pointed to something visible from the starboard window.