Collecting and preparing reference material assists with observation of the variability of starch production, and identifying the different morphologies specific to plant species.
The water which is used in starch production (dirty water) for transportation and cleaning doesn't have to be totally clean.
The transport of sweet potatoes for starch production in the Kemigawa area continued, however, until 1952.
In 1944, there were only 5 varieties of waxy maize available for waxy starch production.
The company will also invest $18 million to expand starch production at its plant in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Phil-Agro Industrial Corporation is in starch production.
Native starch production (dry powder, slurry and cake)
This was what happened in the case of the report on starch production, for example.
Firstly, the regions of Europe where potatoes for starch production are grown generally have soil that is not very fertile.
Now that this activity has ceased, potato growing - for the purposes of industrial starch production - has had to be cut back considerably.