Soups are an excellent way to enjoy starchy vegetables and supplement calories.
That figure - and those measured in the report - excludes potatoes and other starchy vegetables.
Soups can also be thickened by adding grated starchy vegetables before cooking, though these will add their own flavour.
On carb days, you eat grains, starchy vegetables, high-carb fruits, and small amount of protein.
You should limit starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, and peas, which can cause blood sugar to rise.
"Have pasta, bread, and starchy vegetables like baked potatoes, corn, squash."
Most starchy vegetables come under that latter heading as well - potatoes, turnips, and beets, for instance.
But then comes the third item, French-fried potatoes, in which about 100 calories of fat are added to an otherwise low-fat, nutrient-packed starchy vegetable.
In particular, select from all five vegetable subgroups (dark green, orange, legumes, starchy vegetables, and others) several times per week.
Certain foods, such as commercial syrups and sugars, starchy vegetables, and dairy products are not allowed while on the diet.