John Mangles opened his eyes as wide as possible, and stood staring at Olbinett and the stranger alternately.
I was holding my breath, I realized, staring alternately at them and the graph showing their progress through the clouds.
It was another tunnel, they discovered, as they stared alternately to left and right - a deeper corridor whose existence not even The Shadow had suspected.
His normally impassive features were anything but as he alternately stared at his wife and youngest daughter.
The other Masters in the room stared alternately at him and at Raldar.
He found Dismé already there, however, in the tiny bedroom, staring alternately into the mirror and at the Book of Bertral, open upon the bed.
I summarized the experience at the park, staring alternately at his feet and my own, not wanting to meet his eyes.
Rodrigo stared alternately at Pucky and at the swaying blade.
"In a minute," Austin told him, staring alternately at his empty dish and Dean.
Next, stare alternately at two induction images similar to the ones directly beneath the top image.