There was a heavy silence; Alex stared at them awkwardly, feeling like an imposter.
Penny and Leonard awkwardly stared at each other before running off in opposite directions.
The High King could not meet his gaze, dropping his eyes to stare awkwardly at the floor.
Philip, with his beautiful sheet of paper in front of him, stared awkwardly at the model.
He stared ahead of him awkwardly.
They spent the time waiting in guarded silence, staring awkwardly about the room.
She had stood awkwardly staring at herself in the mirror, feeling as if she were a little girl playing dress-up.
And he left, with the two boys staring awkwardly at one another.
"Neither am I." They stared at each other awkwardly for a long moment.
He stared awkwardly into the camera, like a stagestruck actor wondering if the scene was over.