It looked sadly up at him, dull brown eyes running and pained, and he stared dispassionately back.
Kane stared dispassionately at the horror on the couch, his manner portraying no emotion other than urbane curiosity.
The tank's large female eyes stared dispassionately, without focus.
The council glanced amongst themselves--all except for Pietro who stared dispassionately beyond them all.
He stared dispassionately into the blackness that yawned below, and for the first time since he'd arrived on earth, he contemplated ending his life.
But he just stared dispassionately, his jowled face lost in thought, the wetware eye moist, shimmering.
He stared at her dispassionately.
L'Haan stared dispassionately at the smoking ruins.
The major stared at Bolan dispassionately as he slung his Uzi.
Blank grey walls stared back at him dispassionately.