The decks of the British ships were thick with men, all staring eastward.
Now all the knights, each of them feeling the same rising fear, lined the walls, staring eastward without any clear idea why.
His eyes narrowed as he leaned forward staring eastward.
I stared blearily eastward beyond Del, raising a shielding hand to block the brilliance of the sun.
Philip stood mute, staring eastward, where there was nothing to see, unless his own mind peopled the darkness.
Staring eastward, he watched unblinking lights of blue; then spoke to his valet.
She continued to stare eastward while the Haruchai distributed food, water, and voure.
John Rourke put on his dark lensed sunglasses, staring eastward.
Straining her eyes as if vision would bridge the gap between peril and person, she stared intently eastward.
He moved a few yards from the pool and stared eastward.