Then it lifted its head and stared at Boofuls haughtily.
A tall slender man in formal evening wear filled the doorway, staring haughtily down at her.
He looked about, removed his monocle and stared haughtily at the two.
She stopped a cautious distance away and stared at them haughtily.
She squeezed his arm and stared haughtily down her nose at a man who was slow in getting out of their way.
He pulled up his mount and stared haughtily down at Nash.
Brows raised, he stared haughtily at the crowd, still shouting murder.
Lady Granleigh stared haughtily down her nose at the lot of them.
She stared at him haughtily for a long moment.
After whispering for a while with a very strenuous face, she walked away, staring haughtily, and vanished into the crowd.