Her story ended, Ahinoam stared impatiently at her son and waited for him to speak.
He was staring impatiently at his watch.
The other two boys stared at her impatiently.
Deploying any of these items had her sitting by the back door in a flash, staring at me impatiently.
He let himself in with his latch-key and stared impatiently around the empty living room.
One screen showed an astronaut seated in the driver's seat, staring impatiently into the screen.
See tossed her long black hair and stared impatiently at the communicator on her desk.
Delayed passengers were staring impatiently toward the ferry slip.
His attempt foiled, Rowan halted, stared impatiently past his friend into the hall.
Kirk stared at him impatiently, waiting for an answer, but it was Spock who said, "All of them."