He stared malevolently at Kathleen, then turned triumphantly' toward the others.
Rivera stared at me malevolently, as though moving the helicopter had been my idea.
Ammon moved to the window and stared malevolently across at the golden ships.
Several of the Muldoon cows stared at us malevolently from the pasture.
Instead, the image of Kathryn Janeway was staring back at her malevolently.
He stared at the knight malevolently with his strange golden eyes, then turned to Bupu.
Three ugly mean goblin males stood outside it, staring malevolently at the approaching party.
The courtyard was inhabited by three tethered goats that stared malevolently at me.
In a split second of awareness, he could see the cold, lifeless black eyes staring malevolently at them.
According to a police synopsis, two white men began staring malevolently at them.