David puts his head in his hands and stares mournfully at the floor.
When she spoke she stared mournfully in front of her.
Leonard stared mournfully into the mists that filled half of their view.
At that moment the stone looked like an eye to her, staring mournfully.
They stood side by side, staring mournfully at the shattered machine.
They went back to staring mournfully into the flames, thinking of all those who had gone to be with the Divine.
He stared mournfully at the bright strip which appeared to float in the cold air over the small table.
"I came here because the people in Cologne are supposed to be relaxed," she said, staring mournfully into her drink.
She sat down behind the desk again and stared at the candle mournfully.
He stared mournfully up the brutal trail ahead and groaned again.