His eyes fell upon the metal collar around Graydon's neck, and he paused, staring at it perplexedly.
Now Jan stared at him perplexedly, but I smiled, for I guessed what was to come.
Anita stared perplexedly at the screen.
He stared perplexedly into the empty chamber.
Nebel stepped out of the batter's box, stared perplexedly into his own dugout, and shook his head.
He stared at the words on the screen perplexedly.
The few friendly Indians outside stared perplexedly at the mysterious white strangers.
The men, staring perplexedly at their senseless comrade, saw their chief bend, but they did not see what he picked up from the ground.
He removed his drogue and stared perplexedly at the graphical interface.
When Agnia was under attack she never argued, but simply stared perplexedly at Yakonov.