Mother, he whispered, proudly staring at his handiwork.
He stared at them proudly, piled stone mammoth skulls.
One or two of the guards realized that she was staring proudly past them, and turned.
They searched out the faces of friends in the crowd and stared at them proudly, defiantly.
Tang Dan stared proudly at the policeman.
She stared proudly at the large backpacks filled with seed.
He stared ahead proudly.
On the ridge of excavated dirt that ringed the dig site, Bornholm stood and stared proudly down at the most significant find of his career.
The refusal was shockingly vehement, and Tarod raised his head to stare proudly, contemptuously at Drachea.
One morning, Sophie stared toward the back and proudly read aloud, "Birthday room, parties only."