And that was the problem, Sabine thought, staring rigidly ahead of her as he started the car.
Both stared rigidly before them, calm yet fascinated by that huge moving surface.
But Vincent stared rigidly, trying to see something in that black void overhead.
The first time he was able to force himself only by staring rigidly at his feet.
'He had a happy childhood,' she says, staring rigidly out of the window.
But she held her ground, staring rigidly, though I think she was blind to me.
Arms swinging high, staring rigidly ahead, I took a deep breath.
Staring rigidly at her chin, he said, "Why did you uncover yourself?"
Presently she became quite still, staring rigidly at nothing.
The staff from the Foreign Office were staring ahead rigidly.