She leant her head back against the chair and stared unseeingly up at the ceiling.
He screwed up his eyes and stared unseeingly at the calendar on the further wall.
He staggered to his own desk and stared unseeingly at the morning's mail.
They stared unseeingly at each other, blind to everything except their own thoughts.
He stared at them unseeingly, his face twisted into a grim-ace.
The engineer stared unseeingly from the windows of the plane.
Walking back into her room, she sat down on the bed and stared unseeingly at the wall.
She stared unseeingly at the television screen, listening carefully for the sound of the front door closing behind him.
She turned away and stared unseeingly at the wall.
Since then he'd been staring unseeingly at the same page, battling to keep his emotions in check.