The figures and polite suggestions stared at him unwaveringly, yellow-white letters glowing on the screen.
He reached across me to press buttons on the box, then he leaned back again to wait for the food and stared at me unwaveringly.
But what really caught my attention was the familiar face, staring unwaveringly at me through the gloaming.
Just off the square, two stuffed boar's heads stare unwaveringly at each other from the opposite portals of a shop.
Suddenly, Pearl sat bolt upright on the couch, her ears forward, and stared at my front door unwaveringly.
The Deryni bishop stared at them unwaveringly, making a bridge of his fingers as he moved to speak.
The black eyes stared at him unwaveringly.
All stared unwaveringly at the ground.
We stared unwaveringly into each other's eyes with an almost hateful intensity.
At this moment half the face was two huge, wary eyes staring unwaveringly at Brother Cadfael.