To me, there is no starker lesson from the United Nations' failures in Bosnia and Rwanda.
We took some friendly but stark lessons in the game of pool from a couple of silver miners and decided to head back to the hotel.
There are also stark lessons.
The brief life of the ReadNet school offers a stark lesson in the ways in which charter schools can go wrong with initial troubles finding a building, continuing financial woes and difficulties attracting qualified staff.
There were two stark lessons in the history of the 20th century: no nation that launched a war against another sovereign nation ever won.
If there is one stark lesson to be learned from the current television season, this is it: Stars don't work.
But for the people who created the show, it was a stark lesson that when idiosyncratic talents are given the freedom to follow their personal muses, a mass audience does not always follow.
It was a stark and brutal lesson and we will see today how well O'Connell has learned it as a player and a captain.
It offers stark and vital lessons about compassion and suffering, community and mistrust, and the nature of individual identity.
A little later, Mr. Burton, a longtime politician who is accustomed to dealing with the news media on his terms, was given a stark lesson in the new dynamic at the Capitol.