An even starker sign of alienation is that a majority of eligible voters are unlikely to vote - more than 50 percent stayed home in the 1996 presidential election.
This 49% plan is the starkest sign yet of how the character of our NHS will change if [Andrew] Lansley's bill gets through.
But commanders believe the attack is the starkest sign yet that they are making a difference in Brownsville.
At least 24 female service members died in Iraq, more than in any American conflict since World War II, a stark sign of a barrier broken.
The fact that he hadn't detected their presence was a stark sign of how badly Phillipa was affecting his senses.
The New York Philharmonic began its new season on Tuesday night at Avery Fisher Hall amid stark signs of the challenges facing major American orchestras.
The action, which was made public after the stock market closed, was the starkest sign yet of how deeply the Asian crisis was hurting Hong Kong's normally resilient economy.
A stark white sign with plain black lettering reading "Village Closed to Public" is nailed across the picket gate leading to the general store and the Red House restaurant.
The struggle of the more than three million temporary workers nationwide is perhaps the starkest sign of how rapidly the labor market has shifted since late last year.
The sign, stark but hardly cryptic, was hung in the Pittsburgh Civic Arena days after the Rangers beat the Penguins, 9-2, at Madison Square Garden last month.