There was another tattoo on her thumb, a small stark symbol.
By the early 1990s, the downtown had become a stark symbol of the community's economic decline.
"Look well, for before you stand the stark symbols of the achievement, mystery, and frailty of the human race."
They traced their way across the screen, bloody red symbols deadly stark against the blue background.
If the changes on this team needed a stark symbol, it was Ottis Anderson's appearance against the Seahawks in the final period.
It takes art to allow so stark a symbol to spring up in a book, and to have it do work, without seeming to have been planted.
In the poll, crime emerged as a stark symbol of fear and powerlessness.
The war reduced this once-gentle place to rubble, turning it into a graveyard and a stark symbol of man's inhumanity to man.
The concentric rings of a target made up the stark white symbol on this particular black hilt.
As always, the message had to be coded in stark mathematical symbols.