It stood starkly black against the pink sky, and appeared flat, as if it had been cut out of paper.
Her gown was long, emphasising her slender figure, and starkly black.
Macro pointed to where a gap had opened in the mist to reveal several dead trees, starkly black and crooked against the thick white backdrop.
There, starkly black against the white linen, lay a big iron key.
We try to offer relief not just to be nice, but because the real world is never starkly black and white.
They mock the president for seeing the world in such starkly black and white terms, and impugn his Christian faith for inspiring the thought.
The horizon line formed by the plateau was high above them, a starkly black silhouette against the last deep red tints of twilight.
Jesus's spectral appearance above the kneeling Magdalen is made more dramatic by the work's being completely and starkly black and white.
The sky was gray; the snow was a flat, dead white; and the tree trunks were starkly black.
In its place was a starkly black cross.