Blinded, the multitudes of starkly lit human faces gasped as one, shielding their eyes, crying out in strangled fear.
Starkly lit studies of his studio, bathroom, and the red brick wall in his backyard underscore an interest in prosaic subject matter.
In front of them, a big industrial door opened slowly, revealing a starkly lit garage big enough to hold four vehicles in two lanes.
A sincere pang of nausea flashed through me as I looked at the starkly lit image on the paper.
Jack Miller sat at his long, functionally modern desk in the center of the starkly lit, windowless room.
Outside his starkly lit, third-floor office, Mr. Arafat's compound was cast in shadows.
T'Vrel was waiting for Spock in the starkly lit and austerely furnished canteen, as she always did this time of day.
Her body is starkly lit and she stares directly at the viewer.
The narrow corridors were as starkly lit as the shuttle bay, with hard-edged lights and dark shadows.
She looked toward the empty pavement, starkly lit by another street-lamp.