Despite the Auditorium's starkly modern design, he said was trying "to give you the feeling that you are still in Rome."
"Quite something," Snaresbrook said as they parked in front of the large, starkly modern home.
They expect him to propose a starkly modern structure that would be inappropriate in an area notable for its cobblestone streets and historic warehouses.
It's a starkly modern space in a converted industrial building, a fitting setting for its cutting-edge programme, with a calendar of international and Italian works.
With its starkly modern facade, punctuated by slit-like windows, it already stands out incongruously on the block.
The starkly modern instrument stands front and center in the chapel.
Lighting up a cigarette, he watched two Russian helicopters hover between the starkly modern athletic dormitories.
In its starkly modern way, this new set dwarfs the singers just as much.
Though the exterior had been traditional Federal, inside she found the decor starkly modern, even cold, a white-walled gallery of abstract art.
A starkly modern oil streaked with black and red.