Along the way we passed through several Mayan villages, starkly simple and primitive - a few huts, a central well, very little else.
The original spots are starkly simple, playing up the umbrella logotype and getting the company's message in at the same time.
The controls were starkly simple: a pair of handles, two toggles, and a dial.
On impulse, he had revised his original elaborate query to one that was starkly simple.
The second reason is as starkly simple as the first.
Her clothes are starkly simple; her fabrics couldn't be more artisanal.
Everything a computer does, it does in this starkly simple language.
The effect is one of intense strain and desolation, yet the means used are starkly simple.
Adultery is usually a complicated business, but "Cheaters" presents it in a starkly simple way.
Her starkly simple images are the most mysterious.