He had set his sights on returning sometime during the team's Western trip, which starts next Tuesday in Denver.
Later, it was announced that free-to-play would be starting Tuesday January 17, 2012.
A series of talks starts Tuesday at 6:30 P.M.
Seven workshops for landlords of small buildings start Tuesday; call for information.
"I'd heard there were pitching problems," said Rhoden, who threw for 25 minutes in the bullpen and will start Tuesday in a minor league game.
Practical classes start Tuesday with the two groups alternating mornings between the two kitchens.
Piazza said he would be available, but plans to start Tuesday in Montreal.
So will the comparisons, as soon as his Channel 2 career starts Tuesday on the 6 p.m. newscast.
If he had to start today or Tuesday, he couldn't; the quarterback would be Glenn Foley.
He will also start Tuesday in Boston.