Second, start an intensive effort to bring peace to the Middle East.
And it is taken seriously by the Bush administration, which has started an effort to rewrite the fuel economy rules.
Thousands of miles away, scientists are starting a similar effort - but wet.
In 2006, it started a $40 million effort to diversify the local economy and bring 600,000 new jobs to the area over the next decade.
Perhaps by then the police will have started a proposed anti-crime effort on 125th Street.
In response, chief executives have started an effort to answer their critics and still defeat efforts at systemic change.
Nor are we preventing you from starting a new effort at colonization now.
But this week, the airline said that it would start a new effort in the wake of its deteriorating financial situation.
After a few years, economic factors will weigh in and we'll start a new effort to draw together.
It was Grüber and some enthusiasts, who had started a new effort in 1936.