Starting around the time he wrote this letter and continuing through the first part of 1787, Leopold's health was failing.
This seems to be supported by a 2006 study of the island's deforestation, which could have started around the same time.
MY son and I started playing chess in earnest this spring, around the time he turned 12.
A shipyard construction in the village of Lyudeyny started around the same time.
His formal musical education also started around the same time.
This seems to be supported by the latest information on island's deforestation that could have started around the same time.
Q. What happens when a woman starts her career around the same time her husband is ready to retire?
The nightmares had started again, around the time of the Blancanales rape.
It was not until the end of the 17th century that the issue started being discussed, around the time when the first grammars were written.
A French version of the project also started around the same time.