Buchar started competitive cycling when she was 20 years old and placed 2nd in her first National race.
Over the next year, she cut her calories to 1,800 a day, started cycling, and built up to intense, short workouts.
As it started cycling, he quickly sealed himself in the remaining cylinder.
In his freshman year he started cycling and joined a team for the Little 500 bike race.
She started competitive cycling when she was sixteen years old.
So he started cycling and immediately beat youngsters his age.
Known for his sprinting ability, he started competitive cycling at the age of 10, and turned professional in 2002.
Coming from a cycle racing family, he started competitive cycling at the age of 13, and turned professional in 2002.
More people might start cycling if the perceived safety of doing so improved sufficiently.
Find a way to make them more careful drivers and I'll start cycling.