He started fanning with the door to suck some of the air out, but he knew it wasn't enough.
But individually, each bee has its own thermostat - a "task threshold," in the researchers' words - that tells it when to start fanning.
If all the bees were genetically similar, the progeny of the queen and a single male, then they all might be expected to start fanning at the same temperature.
"I think it shows just how desperate they really are, to start fanning the flames of racism in this country."
As Smith's left hand started fanning the colt, Shirreffs had a revelation.
People start fanning themselves with the playbills.
Matt squatted down and started fanning the insects away ' from the unconscious officer.
Choose a piece of land and start fanning it?
When the water began to steam, and she started fanning it towards Tonno's face, the Doctor looked up in surprise and approval.
Baba lit a cigarette and started fanning himself again.