The church started its preaching ministry from Ama Bagicha.
He started his pastoral ministry as the assistant vicar in the parishes around Balaramapuram.
She and her husband recently started their own ministry, which meets weekly in their converted two-car garage.
Don Finto started his ministry as a missionary in Germany.
The name of his wife is unknown nor is it known if he lived with her once he started his ministry.
That call changed her life for the better and she found a new faith in Jesus and started her own ministry.
The couple were married on August 21, 1954, and started their own joint ministry.
He has since started his own ministry, Jerry Vines Ministries.
He was the first Church of England bishop in modern times to have started his ministry in the nonconformist tradition.
He moved to Houston, Texas, on July 1991, to start his ministry.