"I immediately just started prescribing this stuff in 2002," he said.
Anyway, he started prescribing me DFs.
Instead we get polyester and cotton in colour combinations that induce such a bad trip they'll soon start prescribing intravenous Ketamine as an antidote.
You have to have some sense of what they've gone through down here before you start prescribing their future for them.
I certainly don't think that one should start prescribing the tone between individual men and women.
At the same time, other experts say the statins are too new and too expensive to start prescribing them to everyone who might benefit.
He then started prescribing this diet to people at risk of cancer.
One physician, a former dermatologic surgeon who recently opened up a weight-loss clinic, told Health that she started prescribing HCG after seeing a friend successfully lose weight on the plan.
Recently, she started prescribing T.N.S., a lotion once used to facilitate the healing of wounds.
But after all the past doomsdays that didn't arrive, a lot of people are understandably skeptical of the ecoprophets, especially when the prophets start prescribing the same old penance.