Shortly, they'll start repairs on the east trade road.
Shipyard workers were not expected to start repairs this week because it will take about six days to remove all the water from the dock.
I've started repairs, and we'll need them quickly if he tries to come back.
It was over five days before the tunnel cooled sufficiently to start repairs.
After the war, on the 9 November, some returned to their houses and started repairs.
I'd like to start repairs as soon as possible.
Come winter, though, he and his full-time staff of 450 take a deep breath and start repairs.
Last month, Army engineers were thrilled to find a private construction company here with supplies of lumber and other materials needed to start repairs.
Next week, he even planned to go back to his father's house and start repairs, rid the place of its old ghosts for good.
It was too late to start repairs to the broken front wheel.