During much of its existence it charged a start-up fee of about US$100 and hourly usage rates on the order of $10 per hour.
For a start-up fee of $1,000, publishers will be assigned individual prefixes that can be combined with additional numbers to identify documents in cyberspace.
Like all unit trusts, you pay start-up fees of around five per cent, and annual management fees of about 1.5 per cent.
There was to be no start-up fee, and Main Street Connect would get 17 percent of a site's revenue.
(Both SunAmerica and Skandia also charge a start-up fee of $25.)
Estate land can be created whenever a user pays the start-up fee.
New drivers are not subject to start-up fees.
Her initial cost was $500 with an agreement to set up six shows, though she said commissions from those events usually cover start-up fees.
The clown care program costs $75,000 a year a $30,000 start-up fee.
When start-up fees are paid as first payment(s), the balance due might accrue more interest, as being delayed by the extra payment period(s).