For Niall, this was an equally startling concept.
This was a startling concept, and Kelly was silent again as she tried to visualize what Sepoo meant.
A testy Vulcan is a rather startling concept, in and of itself.
No startling concept here, beyond what Mozart and his librettist set down on paper.
The startling concept of her own mortality had been uniquely driven home at thirty-three, when doctors had removed a pea-sized nodule from her breast.
The early proposals for the structures themselves, as well as what is inside them, have produced some startling concepts.
The director with a startling concept can get himself noticed and, if the concept is valid, hailed.
The rogue paused, while its sentient plasma revolved the startling new concept.
They were both silent in consideration of these startling new concepts.
Fitting a film onto a single side of a 4.7-inch CD is a startling concept.