In a startling departure in 1996, he consented to an interview with a group of sportswriters after the team's draft.
Pretty good documents, and unprecedented, effecting a startling departure from every other government in the world.
These roles are startling departures from her earlier ones, and mark a surprising cusp in an already surprising career.
Johnson's startling departure only weeks ago helped insure that.
The result was a startling departure from convention, a monochrome limestone block of imposing dignity.
This open German criticism amounts to a startling departure.
The unexpected silence on the streets was a startling departure from days of shouting, name calling and street prayer.
The depiction is quite a startling departure from the more familiar rendering of the pair as mother and child.
These acts, however, in presuming guilt rather than innocence, were not such a startling departure as the Hammonds thought.
But in a startling departure from the norm, she conceded: "It won't happen overnight.