Such sounds, however, needed to carry some startling feature that would make them differ from ordinary noises.
The most startling feature of the results, however, is the number of Americans casting ballots.
The deep sapphire eyes were a startling feature in a face that was tanned and weathered by the sun.
The most startling feature of these essays is what they leave unsaid.
This was the really startling feature of the official policy adopted in late 1857.
The tan that he'd come with had started to fade a little, but he was still dark, and that darkness framed his most startling feature.
His face was lined, and his nose crooked, but the most startling feature were piercing dark brown eyes.
His eyes, a beautiful and startling feature, always had a mildly unsettling effect on Anna.
The most startling feature of the face was the eyes.
The eyes were the most startling features: large and egg-shaped, they seemed to bulge from their sockets.