Scottish director Lynne Ramsay's gift for startling imagery finds full flower in this adaptation of Lionel Shriver's story.
He preached the salvation, everlasting life, cleansing from sins, Kingdom of God, using pithy parables with startling imagery and was renowned as a teacher and a healer.
He preached the Kingdom of God, using pithy Parables of Jesus with startling imagery and was renowned as a teacher and a healer.
"Cloven," the program's premiere, is a rich broth of startling physical imagery, inventive entrances and exits, and oozing, roiling waves of group dancing that badly needs tightening.
Heady stuff, but the movie merely toys with questions of identity and identification with the oppressor, substituting startling imagery for psychological analysis and character revelation.
He has been said to have a "gift for wordplay", with lyrics described as "brainy...startling imagery."
This startling sexual imagery makes us feel the dangerous and eerie power of Cupid's arrow.
A redheaded bride wanders through, opening and closing the eveninglong piece with startling imagery.
Whipping long white sleeves through the air, the five dancers created some startling visual imagery.
He achieves memorable poems through a combination of startling visual imagery and a dialogue with language itself.