The mountain roiled and made an even more startling noise as it shifted like a wave about to break.
Above them they both heard the startling noise of splintering wood, rising over the other sounds, and the screeches of the creatures grew instantly louder.
Volly abruptly sneezed behind him, a loud and startling noise.
He brought his hand down on imaginary strings and made a startling twanging noise.
These startling noises make it difficult to concentrate on reading or relaxing.
All looked toward the bottom of the stairway; for it was from there that the startling noise came.
At ten, utter startling noise.
Examples of physical noise include: others talking in the background, background music, a startling noise and acknowledging someone outside of the conversation.
She threw back her head and let out a sudden, startling noise.
Twice more Mark stumbled, on discarded objects that clanged away on rock with startling metallic noise.