Her legs broke into an instinctive sprint even as her brain was processing those startling observations.
As she walks up the aisle between her parents, the girl reports a startling observation.
In his gargantuan introduction, Kushner makes a startling, brand-new observation about the play.
JOE TORRE made a startling observation yesterday.
In that moment, Nicholas made a startling observation.
But Mr. Treshman said the statement was simply a "startling observation" and not anti-Semitic.
These are small, hard gems, full of the same rich emotion and startling observation that readers of Oates's fiction have come to expect.
Surveying the 124 such businesses, he had one startling observation.
Prot (pronounced like boat) is a slick talker with a pronounced if inoffensive air of superiority and some pretty startling observations about life here and there around the universe.
But the most startling observation that they made was that the observing was a two-way street.