In terms of insulin resistance, starvation conditions make more glucose available to the brain.
Under extreme starvation conditions, somatic maintenance costs are paid from structural mass, which causes shrinking.
Some organism manage to switch to the turpor state under starvation conditions, and reduce their maintenance costs.
But if the soil is in good condition, these starvation conditions should not exist and can be easily remedied.
There was high unemployment among immigrants, which meant that many Poles in Chicopee resulting in starvation condition.
Survival of infected mosquitoes is enhanced in starvation conditions compared to uninfected controls.
Autophagy is employed to remove damaged organelles, or under starvation conditions to provide additional nutrients.
Many, if not all, of these small bacteria are dormant forms of larger cells that allow survival under starvation conditions.
Should this harvest fail, or be far below average, as is very likely barring a rapid change in the situation, widespread starvation conditions become a real possibility.
(3) Since some food components would be greatly diminished under starvation conditions, selected mutants in populations may discover secondary pathways.