The next year, he was converted into a closer and put up one of the most bizarre stat lines in baseball history.
The stat line would read: 24 points, 22 rebounds, 7 assists.
He still finished with a deceiving stat line of 24 points and 10 assists, but anyone who saw the game knows that his performance was poor.
He wound up with a dismal stat line - 1 of 4 shooting, 3 rebounds in the second half and 7 turnovers over all.
It's almost embarrassing when you go across his stat line because it's so balanced.
Against the Patriots, Rivers was often on target despite his final stat line.
Like the one given above from Dec. 16, 1994, when the team's played an overtime thriller full of obscene stat lines.
Manning's final stat line was impressive: 20 of 27 for 185 yards, 2 touchdowns and no interceptions.
There's no telling what my stat line would have been, if I had played my normal minutes.
In 2007, her senior campaign, when she posted a stat line of .369/14/49.