The states cannot absorb the costs.
SUNY tuition is a bargain compared with the costs of private education because the state absorbs about half the cost.
The proposal to change the Medicaid formula, with the state absorbing the local share, is not new.
County jails are bursting at their seams, partially because the state has not absorbed the prisoners who properly belong in state facilities.
Lott, in response, mused on all the bad weather his state of Mississippi had absorbed.
The state absorbed the bulk of the $30 million construction costs while the county borrowed $5 million to pay for its share.
Mr. Spano said the state should absorb 75 percent of the cost.
Several attorneys, including Mr. Errante, said the state could easily absorb three additional positions.
To avoid urban discontent over high prices, the state absorbed the increasing additional costs, and retail prices for these goods remained constant.
European Union aid to South Sudan should be commensurate with what the new state can effectively absorb.