Western states, where much of the land is already publicly owned, may also balk, according to Congressional aides.
But the states have balked at the idea.
Many states have balked at adding clozapine costs to hard-pressed Medicaid budgets.
But many states have balked, saying that a universal test would intrude on the tradition of permitting school districts to set their own policy and curriculum.
Other states have balked at licensing but imposed strict education requirements.
But one state balked at the offer, Mr. Ross said, and he decided to withdraw it.
But the state has balked at such a requirement, at least partly because of expense.
The remaining states have either balked or said they will defer a final decision until more states decide.
Some states balked at this, but fell into line after the passage of the Striped Bass Conservation Act.
The state, which provides just over half the district's $1.4 billion annual budget, has balked at paying for new programs.