He must face justice on these counts so that no Balkan leader is ever tempted to commit similar state crimes in the future.
It also makes it a state crime - a misdemeanor - to not carry immigration papers.
Another area of possible agreement involves a proposal to make it a state crime to block access to abortion clinics.
Eventually the paper was banned, and mere possession of it became a state crime.
However, we now enter upon the age when the defense of "sovereign immunity" for state crimes has been held to be void.
The decree on state crimes might have a positive effect in this regard, though it was adopted belatedly.
The safety department said 22 of the inmates killed were serving sentences for state crimes and nine for federal offenses.
"Generally speaking, it is a serious state crime, cheating in the results of voting for Vice President," he said.
It is to be distinguished from state crime when it is the states that break both their own criminal laws or public international law.
"These are sparse notes, but they provide the chance to see that a state crime has been committed by a group of people," he said.