In the early 1990s, the state of Yugoslavia disintegrated, and the parts it was made of became independent republics.
The speed with which the Soviet system was transformed and the Soviet state disintegrated took almost everyone by surprise.
The state finally disintegrated under the pressure of the Mongol invasion of Rus'.
However, the state did not disintegrate and Traidenis came to power in 1269.
But Philaretus's state began to crumble even before his death in 1090, and ultimately disintegrated into local lordships.
During this time, the state of his family disintegrates, but Leo is too busy with his invention to pay attention to his wife's warnings.
Borders and the very states they supposedly contain are disintegrating under the pressures of poverty, population growth, lawlessness and the resulting chaos.
The Soviet state disintegrated to the astonishment of virtually every expert.
The Chinese offer other scenarios in which the economy collapses, civil war breaks out and the state disintegrates into regional fiefdoms.
That is mainly how linguistic conflict started and large states disintegrated.