The state could end the fiscal year with $1.4 billion less than expected.
The state ended the year 2003 with a deficit of $2.15 billion.
A general state of war lasted for 10 days and ended on 6 July 1991.
In 1840, the state ended all funding for the projects.
As it turned out, the state ended 1987-88 with a $115 million deficit and faces a similar problem next year.
The list prepared by the Bush administration shows that 20 states have ended at least some of practices to which federal officials object.
The company was seized on April 21, 2003, two days before the state of emergency ended.
A state official explained that just because the baby girl was dead didn't mean her privacy rights had ended.
She said the state ended the last fiscal year with a $30 million surplus.
The state ended fiscal 2001, on June 30, with roughly $600 million left over.