Most states now exempt such students, and including their scores with those of other students could drag down a school's performance, with potentially dire consequences.
Here are some examples: If the state would exempt teachers from jury duty during the school year, the city would save $2 million.
"Every state exempts the insurance industry from state antitrust laws," he said, "and in many states, the exemption is broader than the Federal one."
In effect, the state is exempting itself from all damages claims.
As the first anniversary of the Esquipulas Accord approached, violations continued in the states now exempt from their terms.
The state exempted Congressmen from this provision of the law.
And every state but one exempts religious employers from paying state unemployment taxes.
Some states exempt a portion of sales or purchase price from tax for some classes of goods.
Under the Federal law, states may exempt 20 percent of welfare recipients from the five-year limit on public assistance.
Connecticut's, the shortest, is only 21 months, but the state routinely exempts families.