The state now inspects homes only when they open, change management or face a complaint.
Under Medicare rules, states must inspect most centers every three years, though troubled centers are visited more often.
Now the state inspects them and they just rely on their outrageous odds system.
The state inspects all city bridges every two years.
Mr. Smith said the ride was shut down after the accident and would remain closed until the state could inspect it.
The state inspected the licensed facility after officials caught and shot a tiger that had been wandering in a wooded area near the compound.
Some states do not directly inspect crematories, but rely on monitoring by the funeral homes that contract with them.
State officials later said the state had never inspected the plant over the 11 years it operated.
Developers must keep them off the market for at least three months while the state inspects them.
The state also does not license marijuana providers, or inspect the quality of the drug that patients obtain.