Between 1970 and 1975, 29 states lowered the legal age for buying alcoholic beverages.
From 1969 to 1976, some 30 states lowered their purchase ages, generally to 18.
For example, if water rates are a sticking point, the state will lower them.
Other states have also lowered this age to as young as 10.
The incentives for improvement also may cause states to lower their official standards.
Most states lowered the legal drinking age to 18.
Mr. Rivera and other tribal leaders want the state to lower its take to about 8 percent.
This would be the first time the state lowered its real spending since 1960.
But much of that $42 billion cost was added in 1994 when the state lowered and stretched out its payments toward the deficit.
The state even lowered its age requirements by a year, now allowing 16-year-olds to become guards.