All schools were soon placed under state management.
This gave Shaokang a base of operation, from which he could learn the art of state management and build his own population center to prepare.
It was originally tasked with state management, national defense, and commercialization of air transportation.
The financial sector is widely seen as a drag on the economy due to the inefficient state management.
Under state management, production dropped to 3,000 tons in 1987 from 11,586 tons in 1973.
He said he expects the house, which was opened to the public in 1997, to be under state management "pretty quickly."
In 1950s socialist self-management was introduced, which reduced the state management of enterprises.
One method to actively achieve state management anchoring where an individual associates a particular physical stimulus.
This was the first case of state management of forests in the world.
The state management of affairs administers several state companies and organizations through which it provides all its services.