During the anti-American frenzy of the 1970's, the Arab states nationalized their oil companies, chasing out the large Western companies that had operated their fields in the early postwar years.
On Drăghici's recommendation, the state nationalized some monastery lands, shut down seminaries, and barred women under 50 from joining the nunneries.
Overt conflict first erupted in 1971 when the state, as part of its efforts to centralize and extend its authority, nationalized the country's three universities, including the Catholic Church's Lovanium University outside Kinshasa.
In the 18th century, the state (government) nationalized the building and sold some of its furniture and statues to make money and the chapel fences were melted down to make guns to support the wars of the French Republic.
The law says the state will not collect, seize or nationalize the money and assets of investors in recognition of their ownership and various interests in Laos specified in the patents.
In 1979, the party held its ninth congress, which analyzed the state of post-revolutionary Portugal, right-wing politics, and the party's struggles to nationalize the economy.
One of the results of the communist revolution was that the state took over private property and nationalized all private-owned businesses.
Despite this taking of control of private companies through (GLC), the Fascist state did not nationalize any company.